The Rotary Club of Toronto-Leaside has continued its support for hospice palliative care with a $10,000 donation to The Toronto Commandery Hospice.
On June 10, Beth Ellis, Executive Director of The Toronto Commandery Hospice accepted the cheque from Club President Jennifer Valliere.
Why Hospice?
The Toronto suffers a shortage of hospice-palliative care beds and services.
In Ontario, hospitals represent the largest piece of healthcare spending. Provincial healthcare budgets are stretched to a point where it is unrealistic to expect government to find more dollars to create solutions.
Those Over 65, while only 13.2% of the population, consume 44.6% of healthcare dollars, greater than all other groups for healthcare spending. We can and must provide better care through more effective usage of government dollars.
While we have a healthcare system that has many merits, it can use improvement.
Hospice palliative care is a solution that provides:
• Better care at the end of life with both residential and visiting hospice.
• Significant savings to the healthcare system, enabling us to get more care without increased taxes.
Government cannot solve the problem alone. It does not have the money and taxpayers will not accept more taxation.
Hospice needs support. Over 25 years:
• The savings of 10 hospice beds over hospital beds represent over $50 Million.
• Every dollar donated to hospice saves over $3 in hospice occupancy expenses.
The new hospice, will be located near to West Park Healthcare Centre, will serve Toronto, North York, East York and Scarborough.
Rotary Club of Toronto-Leaside