Social Bereavement Walking Group
The Toronto Commandery Hospice (TTCH) is offering a social walking group to anyone who has experienced, and is grieving, the death of a loved one.
Walking in nature has proven benefits for mental and physical wellbeing. TTCH will be offering a weekly walking group for people living with grief. This weekly group will provide you an opportunity to walk, & talk with our trained volunteers & more importantly, connect with others living with grief & loss.
The location of the walk will be confirmed in early April but will be an easy, accessible path, comfortable for different levels of walking ability.
Taking steps: A path for all
Every week on Thursdays between April 27 – Sept. 28, 2023
Time: 5-7 p.m.
Location: A Park/Trail in Northwest Toronto
We will confirm location by April 13 and shared with all registered persons.
For more information email info@ttch.com, or register to below.